Thursday, March 26, 2015

TapRoot Newsletter

TapRoot Farms published a print newsletter this week for the shares, here's our little mention (Thanks, Trish!)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Goodbye, Dave and Kim!

Kim, Dave, and Leo a few years ago

Okay, I'm not planning on writing about every single person we say goodbye to in Nova Scotia: that would just be sad, and take away from the amount of time I actually have to see people before we leave.  However, Dave & Kim are special... We had planned to farm at their place this season.  We went to their place in Windermere last night for supper-- Which I must say was DELICIOUS and made me remember that small organic farms grow the best tasting vegetables, something that I didn't realize I was missing until I tasted Waxwing Farm's brussels sprouts, carrots, parsnips, and turnip.  Seriously delicious!

We chatted about our new plans for this year and hung out with Sam (15 months) and big brother Leo (4-1/2).  Checked out their coldframe and watched Dave and the boys sled down the massive snowbank that has formed in their yard.  Dave and Kim and their boys are great, and we are disappointed that we will not get to spend more time with them, and we know things would have worked out great between the 6 of us this year!

Chalkboard art for hire

 The Seaport Farmers' Market opened a new store and asked me to do these chalkboard signs.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 18th

What's wrong with this picture?
March 18th - Out Mom & Dad's front door
March 18th - Out Jon & Teri's front door
MB, here we come!!!

And I love this place; the enormous sky

"And I love this place; the enormous sky" - John K. Samson

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Taking a different direction...

Jon and I are excited to announce that we are moving to Manitoba in May!

We have decided to join my Mom's farm business: it’s the best way for us to reach our farming goals, and we are excited to have such a thriving business to become a part of.  Two young farmers could not be so lucky, and now we will be closer to family (including Jon’s) as well.

Jon and I have been living in Nova Scotia for the past 3 years.  We have gained lots of experience and are ready to put our blood, sweat and tears into building equity for ourselves.  We will be joining Mom in May and with a four person team we are all excited to step things up a few notches!

50masseyJon will be focusing on making the most of his skills in production; I (Teri) will be focusing on marketing and harvest/value adding; Stephanie will continue to do it all, from seeding to sales and also provide valuable mentorship in working with the soil, Manitoba climate and crop systems; and Paul (who already has a tractor for Jon) will provide business mentorship, and share his vast equipment maintenance & repair knowledge with Jon.

This opportunity is ripe for the picking, and we are looking forward to grabbing it by the *ahem* tomatoes!