Monday, October 12, 2015

The hens winter home

I'm still getting remarkable egg production from my hens, who have been out on pasture all summer.  As it is beginning to be cold, we decided to move them into the barn so that I can plug in their heated waterer and they will be happier.  We still get about 10 eggs a day (12 hens). 

We converted a stall in the barn, opposite the kitten stall, for the hens.  It is entirely sealed with hardware cloth and Jon built next boxes for them (which they have already used!).  The food & water can be up off the ground which is much cleaner for them (and the person who has to clean the chicken shit out of them).  The kittens don't know what to think about their noisy new neighbours!

Roseanne didn't want to pose for the photo

Blondie gets our vote for the sweetest!

Samson weighs 12 lbs and is on a diet.  A market customer who feeds their cat salad and pea shoots mentioned that we might try pumpkin with Sammy.  He LOVES it!  (He loves all food, who are we kidding?!).  There are tons of health benefits for cats eating pumpkin-- urinary tract & colon health, increased fiber intake, staying full longer and reducing caloric intake.  Sammy's lucky that he can eat local, home-grown pumpkin, too!  Keep eating Sammy-- we have a buttload of pumpkins!  I did up a cheese pumpkin and froze in individual servings for when I don't have time to cook it as he eats it.

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