A number of storm systems moved through Manitoba yesterday, neither of us were home but we arrived home to a farm with far less trees standing! Janelle's parents' south of Oak Lake got an hour of crop-destroying hail, which is devastating. Both of our gardens were ok, no hail and some much-needed rain. It could always be worse! The power was out and it appears Hydro was here, they are pretty used to shovelling trees off our power lines every storm!
The house yard was hit the hardest:
This poplar knocked down a spruce tree on the way down |
Panorama of the yard-- trees down at the corner of the driveway, two in front yard, a big one in back, and two beside the tractor. The house is fine (bathroom window blew in), Mountain Ash and all the other new trees we planted are fine, and the tractor survived! |
These trees were courteous and avoided the newly planted Mountain Ash! |
A limb on top of tree #3 along the driveway |
South of the house |
Our firepit is under there somewhere. Haven't used it this year anyway! |
Two big limbs on the fence |
View down the driveway |
Oh, good-- Judith's windchime survived!! |
The IH and tunnel are ok! A big tree south of them came down. The tunnel said, "F this!" and closed itself. Good work, tunnel, good work! |
The sky was so scary as the storm blew in. Unbelievable the swath of damage these storms can leave behind. Glad to hear that things could be much worse. Sorry to hear about Janelle's family and their losses.