Saturday, May 13, 2017

Introducing Myrah Janice Jenkins!

 Jon and I are excited to announce the arrival of our daughter Myrah Janice Jenkins!

She arrived 2 days after her due date on Tuesday, May 9th at 1:24 am, was 20.5" long and weighed 7 lbs 3 oz.

There will be an announcement soon on Facebook, but generally most public photos will be stored on our blog and not pushed to social media very often. 

Please check back soon if you'd like more updates and to see more photos, we will be trying to keep this blog up-to-date rather than responding to the influx of emails, texts & Facebook messages we have received (though we greatly appreciate your kind words and support!).

If you would like to send a card, our address is:
Site 205 Box 26 RR2
Brandon, Manitoba
R7A 5Y2

If you'd like to receive a printed birth announcement sometime in the future, please email us your mailing address to or include it with your card.

The Story of Myrah's Birthday

Due to concerns about her small size after a 39-week ultrasound, our GP sent me for a non stress test and they decided to induce me on Monday.  Her size was estimated at 2 kg, and my blood pressure was high, likely due to concerns about her small size!  Thank goodness they were wrong. 

The induction worked much quicker than they anticipated, so we had a bit of a hairy ride into town but made it in time!  She arrived within 3 hours of being admitted to the hospital and the labour was easy and smooth.  In fact, the worst part was because I waited so long to go to the hospital because I didn't really believe I was in labour and expected it to be much worse!  My worst fear was being told, "Oh, that's nothing" and being sent home!  The entire process from induction to birth was less than 10 hours, and less than 6 hours of active labour.  Can't complain about that!

The nurses at the hospital are phenomenal, really-- one could be admitted not even knowing they were pregnant and leave confident abut caring for their new baby!  They are great at teaching and helping new parents get comfortable with their babies etc.  We were very impressed with the whole process.

Myrah met her Grandma Stephanie and Grandpa Paul while she was in the hospital, as well as her Great Auntie Joan who traveled all the way from The Netherlands for the event, and caught it the day before she had to return.  And, most special of all, Myrah, Jon and I took a walk over to the Assiniboine Centre before leaving the hospital and Myrah got to meet Sherman Myrah, whom she is named after.  He is recovering after a broken hip and was thrilled to meet our little girl.  Sherman raised his family for 45 years on this farm before we bought it last July, and we are so honored to be the caretakers of this piece of property that we wanted to remember that always, so there will continue to be a Myrah on this farm for some time to come!

Jon is thrilled to be a Dad and is a huge help with everything that he possibly can be.  It's great to have him home and it actually makes life so much easier, despite the fact that I am doing full-time baby care now.  He was out planting all day today and thanks to the help of Janelle, we also got all the potatoes planted on Thursday as well as peas and shallots.  The onions should go in this week, but as Mom says, it was often the end of May by the time those were done, so we're right on schedule.  We haven't taught Myrah how to pull weeds yet, but expect she will earn her keep soon!

Some FAQs/Myrah Facts:

How do you pronounce it?
Good question!  Just like it's spelled: "MY-Ra" and the H is silent, and we hope you can remember to use it when spelling her name as both Jon and I have spent our entire lives with people spelling our names wrong! (You think we'd learn, lol!)

Does she have hair?  Is it red?Myrah does have a little bit of hair, more than we expected as both Jon and I appear to have been quite bald.  We can't tell if it's red yet (though red hair is usually quite clear from the start).  It's definitely not not red, so we are hopeful!

Why the name Myrah?Myrah is named after Sherman Myrah, who raised his family and farmed here for 45 years before we bought the farm last July.  We are honored to continue to have a Myrah on this piece of land that we are the new caretakers for.

What about Janice?
Janice was Jon's mother's name.  She passed away when he was young, and so I never met her, but as we are fortunate to live near my parents we felt it important to honor Jon's PEI roots and his side of the family as well.  Also, we are hoping that she might have Janice's red hair!

How are the cats taking it?
We are happy to report that the cats are enjoying increased time outdoors now that we are home all the time, and Samson has taken the change even better than expected.  We were a bit worried that he might be protective or jealous, but just as he did while I was pregnant, he has been interested, but obedient in regards to keeping away from the little one.  She sleeps in a bassinet beside the bed and he still gets to sleep in the bed between us, so that makes him happy!
The kittens are curious but mostly fearful of the occasionally crying thing they are not allowed to go near.  We are very careful not to leave the cats alone with the baby, ever, just in case!

Who does she look like?
We both think she looks like our niece Maevey and nephew Caeden, so more like Jon's side of the family.  She has a chin dimple which is definitely from his side, and Jon's sister Alyson expressed "Oh, no!!" when we mentioned it (though we'd be thrilled if she ended up looking like her gorgeous Aunt Ally, whom she almost shared a birthday with!).  The chubby cheeks are definitely from the Jenkins' side.  Hard to tell what color her eyes will be, but as both Jon and I have brown eyes we anticipate she will follow suit.

Other Myrah Facts
Myrah Janice likes to sleep, eat, and poop so far.  She also constantly has her hand by her face and sometimes sucks her thumb or fingers (just like her Mom!).  She actually came through the birth canal with her hand beside her face.  Stubborn just like her Mom, too!  She gets the hiccups multiple times a day, just like she did in utero.  She's had some pretty epic spitups, always when we're least prepared.  We have done a load of laundry each day she has been home, which represents a 10x increase for us!  So far she is sleeping pretty well, eating great, and we are adjusting to the new parent schedule, of which Myrah is the boss!
Jon is shocked that he manages to sleep through nearly the entire night, and I'm glad that one of us is well-rested!  I'm lucky to already be a good napper, and Grandma is very willing to fill in when needed to catch up on household chores and allow me to get some sleep.
We are surprised at how easy and natural being parents is, even to someone who had never held a newborn until Tuesday when she delivered one!

And how is Mom doing?
 Without going into too much gory detail, I am doing great and getting lots of time to care for myself as well, which is more important than getting back into work right away.  Having lots of help and support around is instrumental in that process, and the better care I take of myself while I heal the better shape I will be in when the really busy time comes very soon.  I am making sure to sleep lots, but also continue to prioritize food and cooking over everything else (other than Myrah), as I believe nutrition and good, clean, real food is so key to everything to do with health and wellness.  So, for instance, I didn't clean the oven or mow the lawn yesterday, but I did take a bit of time to make an epic bowl of amazing potato salad, to go with the giant pork loin roast I cooked on Thursday, so that we have lots of good, easy, quick food available.  And I still managed to have 2 naps and sleep over 6 hours through the night!
I found the labor relatively easy and the pain was much less than I expected (hence not heading to the hospital sooner!).  People who are sensitive to pain are much quicker to share their birth stories with you, and I've always had a high tolerance, so I'm not surprised (but happy of course) that I found it quite bearable.  Honestly, the pushing was quite satisfying, and Jon thought the birth was the coolest thing he's ever seen!  I thought I'd be afraid for the birth, but I never was, and I think that made all the difference.  The most worried I got was on Monday when Dr. Davis expressed concern and sent me to the hospital for the non stress test (what a stupid name for a test!).  My blood pressure was very high at my appointment, which I suspect was because I was worried about the results of the previous weeks' ultrasound.  After months and months of standard process appointments, it was alarming to be sent to the hospital and not know what was going to happen.  Thank goodness we were able to go home in the meantime, which helped me to calm down a bit and get used to the idea that we were definitely having a baby that day!
It couldn't have gone better, and it all happened the way it was supposed to!

Please check back soon if you'd like more updates and to see more photos, we will be trying to keep this blog up-to-date rather than responding to the influx of emails, texts & Facebook messages we have received (though we greatly appreciate your kind words and support!).

If you would like to send a card, our address is:
Site 205 Box 26 RR2
Brandon, Manitoba
R7A 5Y2

If you'd like to receive a printed birth announcement sometime in the future, please email us your mailing address to or include it with your card.

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