Thursday, December 10, 2015

Chicken Processing II

 Mom came over today and helped dispatch 8 of my 12 remaining hens.  We'll keep the other 4 until right before we leave for Christmas, this way we still get a few fresh eggs.
It's snowing heavily today and finally starting to look like December.  If we had done this yesterday, we could have been outside, as it nearly got to 10 degrees!  We set up the cone beside the house and I carried the girls over one at a time, and then the rest was done in my kitchen (which was way less gross than it sounds).  I don't have a problem killing chickens at all, but it's a task I always build up to be more than it really is.  I have been intending to get at this for some time now, but both Mom and I were shocked at how quickly it went!  We did 4 birds each in 3 hours total, including set up and clean up-- and neither of us profess to be fast. 
Not very often that we budget a day to do something and it only takes half a day, so we are excited to be able to get some other things done this afternoon! 

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