Sunday, July 9, 2017

Miss Kitty comes to stay

Meet Miss Kitty!  This gal was originally from this farm around 7 years ago.  She had kittens here and was such a nice cat that Sherman took her with him to live in Brandon after he moved there.  She has been a house cat ever since, and Sherman's #1 companion.
Unfortunately, Sherman passed away on Thursday.  He asked us over a year ago if we'd take Miss Kitty when the time came, and so we held true on our promise.  It is sad that Sherman has left us, but Miss Kitty is a reminder of this friend who is no longer around.  We are honored to be entrusted with his most special kitty that he loved very much.
Samson could give 2 poops about the situation.  He has gone from the least social of cats to the most tolerant in the last 8 months since the kittens joined the family!
Here's a few shots of Missy Kitty meeting the family.  We are now a respectable crazy-cat-lady household of FOUR cats!  We love our feline companions.

We will miss Sherman very much.  The funeral is at the farm this week, and some of his ashes will join Irene's under the spruce tree that she planted many years ago in the yard.

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