Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Our new house!

We got moved in last Thursday!  Here's some photos of our cute little farmhouse.  More to come soon.
Farmer Jon walking through the farmyard

Bunny Bear enjoying her new rabbit tractor

Look what Teri made!!  A kick ass bunny tractor

Caption: "Boiiing!"

Samson checking out my craftsmanship

Living room.  Working on getting a couch still



Kitchen and door to garage, stairs to upstairs (4 bedrooms and bathroom)

Master bedroom, windows overlooking the farmyard

Our bedroom

Epically amazing '70s bathroom.  Complete with wraparound smoky mirrors, flower wallpaper, brown and orange lino, tile countertop, and window in the shower.  Heck yes!!

Mudroom, front entrance

Our house!


  1. That looks awesome guys! We need to visit!

  2. Looks good you two! Especially the smoky wrap around windows in the bathroom, hard to find nowadays! Good Luck! Sun looks good too.
