Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Glory days

A few weeks ago while boxing up some things I found some old slides and a slide viewer.  I pulled them out and found this one which made my heart sing-- Look at that glorious red barn!  As soon as I saw it, I vowed to get the outbuildings painted this spring and back to their glory days.  Finding this box of slides was like leafing through Sherman's memories of the farm.  This is how he remembers it! I exclaimed.
Well, regardless of what happens, years from now THIS will be how I remember it:
 That glorious old barn, which stood for years and years and was good and true, and we only got to spend a year loving it.  I'm tired of looking at the burned pile of shit that is left, so I pulled out these photos from shortly after we arrived a year ago.

Jon and I keep looking outside and expecting to see this.  Every time I don't my heart breaks a little more.  It's been good to get away from the farm, and so I will focus on all the work we need to do now for the growing season.  Looking back at these photos, I can already see all the progress we've made here, getting the grass and junk tidied up.  On my walk this morning, I noticed grass shooting up through the ashes already.  We'll follow it's example and carry on, try to look at it as a new opportunity to grow and change.  I know I will never be the same.

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